The ultimate detox program to transform your body; Recharge, Rejuvenate, Reclaim Your Health, and feel AMAZING FAST.

Are you feeling sluggish, bloated, and tired? Are you wanting to hit the reset button?


  • You've been over-indulging in processed foods and now you feel puffy, bloated, and overweight

  • You’re noticing your low on energy and struggle to get through the day

  • You struggle to lose weight

  • Frequent headaches/migraines

  • Your skin is dull and constantly breaking out

  • You’re having trouble concentrating on simple tasks

  • Hormones are imbalanced

  • You’re no longer getting a restful sleep

  • You’re noticing more gas, loose stool, or constipation

  • Or even your mood is completely off...mood swings, anxiety, or the blues

... and nothing seems to be working to help you overcome these symptoms

You've even tried fad diets, random supplements, medications, over-dieting, and workouts, but these don't work because you're not getting to the root of the problem.



  • Waking up feeling energized and refreshed so you can get the most out of your days which means you can play with your kids more, go out with friends, and take that trip you’ve been wanting!

  • Feeling lighter and clothing fitting more comfortable

  • Weight loss so you have more energy and improve all areas of health

  • Balanced hormone levels so you can feel more balanced which means everything will work better

  • Clear, vibrant, radiant, glowing skin so you can feel more confident in your own skin

  • Improved digestion so you can enjoy your meals more without the discomfort caused by digestive symptoms

  • Deeper sleep so you can wake up refreshed after a night of repair and recovery which means you’ll feel ready to take on your day

  • You’ll be more productive, clearer thinking, & make decisions with ease so you can show up and feel more present which means you can enjoy every experience more

  • Lower stress levels so you can go into every situation more calmly and manage everyday stressors better


A 4 Week Liver Detox Program designed to help you kickstart your health journey and see progress even when nothing else has worked! Together we will support Phase 1 and 2 of Liver Detoxification, flood the body with nutrients, master Nutrition, reset Blood Sugar Levels, and hit the reset button on Gut Health and hormones.

This very program helped me see results on my own health journey and the same exact protocol I use with each of my clients!

Survey Results Don't Lie

We did a poll of how people felt BEFORE their detox on a scale of 1 to 10, and how they felt AFTER.

BEFORE detoxing: The average person was at a 4 out of 10 (NOT great).

AFTER detoxing: The average person was at a 9 out of 10!!!!  A NINE!!

What else in the world can take someone from a 4 to a 9 in under a month?!?  NOT MUCH!!

Who Am I?

I’m Alexis, and I am an Integrative Health Practitioner, Private Health Consultant, and Holistic Gut & Hormone Specialist. I specialize in helping women balance their Hormones & Gut Health NATURALLY.

As a 15 year old, I developed a "mystery" illness- unexplained brain fog, vision loss, joint pain, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, chronic fatigue, severe gut issues, constant pain, & so much more.

I went from on my death bed (literally) to now running a successful Functional Medicine Practice

I transformed my life, and now my passion is to see you transform yours.

What's Included in The Liver Detox Program:

When you detox with me, my job is to make you successful! I WANT you to experience real transformation as I’ve seen with countless others, and I go above and beyond to support you before, during, and after your detox.

✔️ You’ll get exclusive access to a private Facebook group so you can detox as part of a community and get daily support.

✔️ You’ll get access to my detox support hub where I walk you through how to prepare for your detox, maximize your experience, and build on your results afterward!

✔️ You’ll get free Zoom calls with me to help you on your journey

✔️Tips, Tricks, Motivation, & Recommendations to Maintain Progress

✔️Toxicity Assessment

✔️Nutrition Guidance

-What To Eat, When To Eat, & How Much to Eat For Balanced Hormones and Optimal Gut Health

-How to Balance Your Blood Sugar

-Delicious Detox Recipes

✔️Educational Modules

-Setting You Up For Success

-Why You Need To Detox

-Environmental Toxins & What To Look For

-How The Liver Detoxes

-How to Know When to Detox

-How to Complete A Functional Medicine Detox

-Realistic Goal Setting For Optimal Success

-What To Do After Your Detox To Maintain Results

✔️Lifetime Access To Modules

✔️Community Support

✔️Eligibility for Free Products or Labs

✔️Empowering You On Your Health Decisions

Bonus material and so much more!

Why the Liver is Important:

The Liver has over 500 responsibilities! This includes:

  • Regulating Inflammation

  • Converting Thyroid Hormones to a form the body can use

  • Metabolizing and regulating sex hormones

  • Regulating insulin and blood sugar

  • Detoxification! It is responsible for detoxing the body and Gut of things like harmful toxins (like pesticides, chemicals in our make-up, heavy metals and more!), waste, excess hormones, etc.

  • Producing bile for proper digestion and absorption of fats

  • Immune Support

  • Metabolizing nutrients from the food you eat

  • Regulating Metabolism

  • Regulating and excreting Cholesterol

And I said 500 responsibilities!

Here's the problem you face:

Did you know there are over 77,000 approved chemicals in the US and most are toxic to humans?

Our world is getting more and more toxic by the day, and our poor detox organs (think liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, lymphatic system) weren’t made to deal with this level of toxicity.  

These toxins are poison and are putting chronic stress on every cell, organ, gene, and system of the body. They cause inflammation, weaken the immune system, steal your energy, and cause imbalances that cause countless symptoms.

Overburdened and stressed-out organs don’t function optimally!

The more toxic you are, the more symptoms you'll experience and the harder it will be to reach optimal health. If you don't begin to reduce your toxic load, you'll just get sicker and sicker.

Sluggish Liver Looks Like:

  • Itchy skin, rashes, eczema, psoriasis, and more skin issues

  • Brain fog where trying to complete a task seems almost impossible

  • Weight gain where you become uncomfortable in your clothing and prefer to just stay at home

  • Memory issues, you can't recall events or things that were said because your memory is so fuzzy

  • Constant fatigue

  • Digestive Issues: constipation, loose stool, gas, belching

  • Toxins recirculate in your body vs. being eliminated (kind of like a backed up garbage disposal - eww!)

  • The body will store toxins back into fatty tissues...think cellulite, puffiness, swelling, and toxic water weight that doesn't budge

The Liver Detox Program is designed to remove the toxins in your body that are slowing & bogging you down so you can perform at your very best again!



What Kind Of Program Is This?

This program is designed to empower you with knowledge so you know how to combat this toxic world & detox your liver. It also incorporates a protocol/kit known as a Functional Medicine Detox which combines principles of Ayurvedic and Functional Medicine using vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, antioxidants, botanical extracts and essential amino acids to give the liver the tools and nutrients it needs to clear toxins.

What it is not...

  • This is not a juice cleanse

  • It is not a bunch of laxatives to make you poop all day

  • It is not a detox tea that promises to make you lose water weight

*protocol/kit sold separately, see will there be additional costs faq

Who Is This Program For?

  • You’re experiencing unwanted symptoms like unexplained weight gain that won't budge, dark circles, headaches and migraines, constant fatigue, nausea after meals, mood swings, PMS, a sluggish thyroid, digestive issues, acne, sensitivity to smells, unexplained sensitive skin, trouble sleeping, brain fog, poor memory, cellulite, swelling, puffiness, etc

  • You have been told you have high cholesterol

  • You have elevated liver markers like ALT, AST, ALP, etc

  • You've been told you have a "fatty liver"

  • You can't tolerate alcohol or caffeine

  • You’re sick of rushed appointments and being dismissed by practitioners

  • You have been told your lab work is "normal" even though you feel awful

  • You’re sick of being told to “eat less and work out more”

  • You’re sick of being offered prescription meds as your only option

  • You feel like you've tried everything and don't know where to start

  • You’re overwhelmed by all the conflicting information online

  • You want the support of an Integrative Health Practitioner and a community to help you kickstart your health journey

Who Should NOT Detox?

Please consult with your healthcare practitioner if you are:

  • Under 18

  • Pregnant or lactating

  • Have liver or kidney disease

  • Have gallbladder conditions

  • Have appendicitis

  • Have an eating disorder

  • Have type 1 diabetes

  • Or if your medications are contraindicated with any of the ingredients in the detox

If you are curious about the ingredients in the detox please email me at with the

Subject: Curious About Ingredients

Is This Program Right For Me?

This program may not be right for you if:

  • You’re looking for a quick fix and expect results overnight

  • You aren’t ready to take responsibility for your health and progress

  • You aren't ready to implement dietary changes for at least 3 weeks

  • You aren't ready to change your current nutrition and lifestyle habits

  • You aren't ready to get uncomfortable taking action to improve your health

Can I Still Do The Program If I Can't Use The Detox Kit?

Yes! Absolutely! Although you will not see the huge transformations physically you still will learn quite a bit of information.

Will There Be Additional Costs?

Yes, in order to serve all of my clients I have chosen to NOT include the detox kit in the program cost. You will have to purchase this kit separately. Inside the program, I will direct you as to which length of detox kit you should purchase. Since clients have different goals, commitments, and budgets, I wanted to make this accessible to all.

You can expect to pay an additional

$99 USD for the 7-Day Detox Kit

$198 USD for the 14-Day Detox Kit

$297 USD for the 21-Day Detox Kit

You will have the option to choose which one you would like to complete.

How Long Do I Have Access To The Program?

You will have lifetime access to the program.

I've Never Done Anything Like This Before, Is There An Option To Modify?

Yes! There is an entire module dedicated to teaching you about the protocol and how to modify if needed.

I Am On Prescriptions, Can I Still Do This Program?

Always check with the prescribing doctor regarding medications and before making any changes to nutrition, supplements and lifestyle habits. I am not your Dr. and nothing in my program should be taken as medical advice.

Will I Lose Weight?

My priority is to teach you how to nourish your body, remove toxicities, replenish deficiencies, support your hormones and rebalance the body from the inside-out. Although this is not a traditional weight loss program, many clients do lose weight as a positive side -effect.

Will This Program Heal My Symptoms?

The information in this program is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any specific health issue. The principles I teach are designed to provide education and support based on the foundations I have used personally as well as with private clients.

Do You Offer Refunds?

No, due to the nature of this service, it is non-refundable once purchased

I do not live in the United States, can I still join?

Yes, however certain supplements & protocols may not be available to you. You will still learn lots of valuable information, but may not be able to participate in the supplements or protocols. If you live in these countries shipping is available to you at an increased price. Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, France, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Lativa, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Romania, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Vietnam. If your country is NOT listed, we cannot ship supplements or protocols to you.


This is so much more than a juice cleanse.  It’s a Functional Medicine protocol with the best products and ingredients created by Dr. Stephen Cabral, board-certified Doctor of Naturopathy, Founder and CEO of Equilife, and Founder of the Integrative Health Practitioner Institute.

The core of the program is designed to help you detoxify your body, boost your energy levels, and kickstart your journey to better health in just one week.

Over 250,000 people worldwide have gone through this detox with real, lasting results, and I am one of them.

It combines:

➡️ Fasting

➡️ Healthy habit change

➡️ Herbal supplements

➡️ Clean nutrient-dense food

➡️ Mindset shifts

AND, provides your body and cells with all the vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, antioxidants, and herbs it needs to support your cells and detox organs as they help remove toxins from the body.

Are You Ready For Real Transformation?

If you’re ready to take this step, take your health into your own hands, and kick your symptoms to the curb…


Quick Recap:

  • Private Facebook Group & community support (worth $1500)- you'll get 1:1 access to me via email. You can ask me any questions.

  • Detox Support Hub with resources, recipes, tips, tricks, motivation, and recommendations (worth $1000)- all of which is designed to make you successful and maintain your results

  • Educational Modules & Nutrition Guidance (worth $3000)- designed to teach you what you need to do for a healthy life and the exact step by step roadmap to success

  • Lifetime Access To Modules & Any Future Updates (worth $250)

  • Eligibility for Free Products or Labs (worth $250) - you will have the opportunity to receive free Functional Medicine Labs and products

    $6,000 USD VALUE FOR ONLY $97 USD


If you have any questions, please let me know!

  • Email me: